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Cherchez le martien, Pat Mallet, © Dargaud, 1973

Why UFOs Prefer Being Round (or Sometimes Cigar-Shaped): A Galactic Fashion Statement?

Ah, the universe – a vast expanse of stars, galaxies, black holes, and… fashion statements? That’s right! When it comes to the design of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP), it seems that extraterrestrials might just be the universe’s top designers. And their favourite shapes? Round and cigar-shaped. But why? Let’s dive into this cosmic conundrum.

1. Aerodynamics? More Like AERO-GALACTIC-dynamics!

Here on Earth, we’ve seen our fair share of odd flying contraptions. Remember the “flying bedstead“? It looked like someone took their bed, attached a jet engine, and decided to take a nap in the sky. But when it comes to UFOs, they seem to have a penchant for the round or cigar-shaped design. Why? Well, aerodynamics plays a huge role in our Earthly aircraft designs. The smoother and more streamlined the shape, the less air resistance, and the more efficient the flight.

But wait! Space is a vacuum, right? So, why would aerodynamics matter? Well, dear reader, while space doesn’t have air, UFOs might still need to pop into atmospheres of various planets for a quick vacation or to abduct a cow or two. In such cases, a round or cigar shape would be pretty handy for zipping in and out without much atmospheric resistance.

2. The Universal Appeal of Circles

Circles are everywhere in nature. Planets? Round. Stars? Round. Pizza? Deliciously round. There’s something universally appealing about this shape. Maybe extraterrestrials, with their advanced civilizations, have just come to the same aesthetic conclusion as us: circles are cool. Plus, if you’re trying to make crop circles, it’s just easier with a round ship. No awkward corners to deal with!

3. Space Travel vs. Planetary Atmosphere Flight

Now, let’s get a bit technical. Space travel and atmospheric flight are two very different ball games. In space, without air resistance, you can technically be any shape you want. Want to be a flying banana? Go for it! But, as mentioned earlier, once you enter an atmosphere, things change.

Different planets have different atmospheric conditions. Some might be thick and soupy, while others might be thin and wispy. A round or cigar-shaped craft would be versatile enough to handle a variety of atmospheric conditions. It’s like the Swiss Army knife of spaceship designs!

4. Stealth and Radar Evasion

Let’s not forget that these UFOs are unidentified. Maybe they want to keep it that way. A round or cigar-shaped object might reflect radar waves differently, making them harder to detect. It’s the galactic version of “you can’t see me!”

5. Energy Distribution and Propulsion

Some theories suggest that UFOs use a form of propulsion unfamiliar to us. If they’re harnessing energy in a way that requires even distribution, a circular design would make sense. Think of it as a cosmic fidget spinner, where the energy is evenly spread out, allowing for those sudden zig-zag movements reported by many UFO witnesses.

6. The Galactic Fashion Statement

Lastly, and most importantly, maybe it’s just in vogue. Galactic fashion trends come and go. Perhaps a few millennia ago, triangle-shaped UFOs were all the rage. Right now, it’s all about the round and cigar shapes. Who knows, in another thousand years, we might see UFOs shaped like giant tacos or flying pineapples. Extraterrestrials need to keep up with the interstellar Joneses too!

In Conclusion

While we might never truly know why UFOs prefer being round or occasionally cigar-shaped, it’s fun to speculate. Whether it’s for practical reasons like aerodynamics and energy distribution or simply because circles are the latest trend in the Milky Way’s fashion scene, one thing’s for sure: the universe is full of mysteries, and style might just be one of them.

So, the next time you look up at the night sky and spot something round and shiny zipping by, give a nod of appreciation. After all, it takes a lot to be both functional and fashionable millions of light-years from home. Safe travels, stylish spacefarers!

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