
doing the math for you since 1994

  • The Myth and Reality of “Suicide Pills” in Space Travel

    The Myth and Reality of “Suicide Pills” in Space Travel

    Space travel has always been a subject of fascination, wonder, and countless myths. From tales of UFO encounters to conspiracy theories about moon landings, the cosmos has been a fertile ground for stories that capture our imagination. One such enduring myth is the notion of “suicide pills” given to astronauts during their missions. But is…

  • The Gemini 5 Controversy: Public Perception and the Funding of Space Exploration

    In the annals of space exploration, the Gemini 5 mission stands out not just for its technical achievements but also for the lessons it taught space agencies about the importance of public perception. This mission underscored a realization that space agencies, particularly NASA, had begun to grasp: the need for public interest to ensure the…

  • Predicting the Future: Where Science Fiction Giants Got It Right

    Science fiction has long been a genre that pushes the boundaries of imagination, offering readers a glimpse into possible futures shaped by technological advancements, societal changes, and human evolution. While many of these visions remain firmly in the realm of fiction, there have been instances where the predictions of science fiction authors have eerily mirrored…

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