
doing the math for you since 1994

  • LASERs in Space: From Research to Starlink and Beyond

    Lasers, once a subject of science fiction, have now become an integral part of our technological advancements, especially in the realm of space exploration and communication. Let’s have a look at the various applications of lasers in space, including their use in research, communication, and the ambitious Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Lasers have found a…

  • Biomimicry Beyond Earth: Inspiration and Economic Challenges

    After watching a thought-provoking YouTube video by Dami Lee titled “Biomimicry: Hoax or Genius?“, which questioned the utility of biomimicry in architecture, I was inspired to explore how biomimicry fares when we venture beyond our planet. How does this concept translate to the vast expanse of space, and what are the economic implications of scaling…

  • Rockets and Movie Bombs: A Tale of Suspenseful Countdowns

    Ladies and gentlemen, gather around, for today, we’re diving into the Hollywood-esque world of rocket launches. Have you ever noticed how a rocket’s liftoff sometimes feels eerily similar to that suspenseful scene in an action movie where the hero is trying to defuse a bomb? Tense music, a dramatic countdown, everyone holding their breath… and…

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