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Category: Space

  • Glass in Space: An Essential Material in the Final Frontier

    When we think of space travel, we often envision high-tech metals, advanced propulsion systems, and complex electronics. However, one of the most critical materials in space exploration is something we encounter every day: glass. This seemingly mundane material plays a pivotal role in our journey to the stars. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of…

  • Artificial Gravity: Hollywood’s Favorite Sci-Fi Gimmick

    Hello, fellow gravity enthusiasts! Today, we’re going to dive into the world of artificial gravity. You know, that thing that keeps our favorite space-faring movie characters from floating around like helium balloons at a kid’s birthday party. But before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s get one thing straight: despite what Hollywood might have you…

  • Decoding Rocket Science: From Space-Bound Vessels to Model Rockets

    Rocketry, to the untrained eye, might seem to be more magic than science – massive vessels roaring into the sky on columns of fire. However, it is a remarkably intricate application of physics, engineering, and mathematics. An essential aspect of this discipline is determining the optimal size for a rocket relative to its payload –…