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Category: Space

  • The Evolution of Computers in Space: A Journey from Apollo to Now

    In the vast expanse of space, where human presence is physically limited, computers have been our reliable allies, pushing the boundaries of our knowledge and capabilities. Analog and Digital Computers: The Early Days of Spaceflight As we embarked on our quest to conquer space, the reliance on computers was indispensable. Early space missions, including the…

  • Preparing the Next Generation for Careers in Aerospace: The SpaceX Example

    The allure of space exploration has always captured the imagination of the public, but in recent years, thanks to companies like SpaceX, we’ve seen a resurgence of interest in aerospace professions. However, navigating a career in this field is not a simple task. It requires a diverse set of skills, ranging from engineering to business…

  • NASA’s “Snoopy” Award: Honoring the Heroes Behind the Scenes

    When we think of space travel, we often think of astronauts—those brave individuals who venture into the unknown. However, the success of any space mission relies heavily on the countless unsung heroes working tirelessly behind the scenes. NASA, America’s premier space agency, has found a unique way to honor these individuals: the Silver Snoopy award.…