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Category: Space

  • The FAA’s Rocket Blockade: A Tale of Bureaucracy and Space

    The FAA’s Rocket Blockade: A Tale of Bureaucracy and Space

    In a world where technology is advancing at the speed of light, it’s ironic that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)—the agency responsible for regulating American airspace—is slowing things down. Recently, the FAA has been in the spotlight for delaying SpaceX’s Starship launch and preventing the re-entry of Varda’s research capsule. The reason? A lack of…

  • The Tale of Two Satellites: Kalamsat and TerreStar-1

    The Tale of Two Satellites: Kalamsat and TerreStar-1

    In the realm of space exploration and technology, size often matters. Whether it’s the gargantuan rockets that propel astronauts into orbit or the tiny satellites that gather crucial data, size plays a pivotal role in the success of a mission. However, two satellites defy the norms and stand as remarkable examples of what can be…

  • The Quest for Life Beyond Earth: A Scientific Exploration

    The Quest for Life Beyond Earth: A Scientific Exploration

    Have you ever paused to ponder, “What is life?” It’s a question that has intrigued scientists, philosophers, and thinkers for centuries. While there are countless ways to define life, none seem to capture its complexity fully. Whether you consult Wikipedia or academic journals, you’ll find a myriad of definitions that vary depending on the field…