
doing the math for you since 1994

  • The Metric System and Other Units: The Pitfalls in Space and Engineering



    In our quest to quantify the world around us, humanity has created various systems of measurement. From the ancient cubits and spans to the modern metric and imperial systems, the evolution of measurement units has been diverse, reflecting our cultural histories and scientific progress. This post aims to compare the widely accepted metric system with…

  • Unraveling the Mystery of Q’s: From Star Trek to James Bond and SpaceX



    Imagine, if you will, a world where Q’s are omnipresent, influencing the course of narratives far and wide. These Q’s are not your run-of-the-mill letters of the alphabet, but key elements of three vastly different worlds: Star Trek’s Q, James Bond’s Q, and MaxQ from the field of rocket launches. At first glance, you may…

  • Igniting the Future: OpenRocket’s Potential for the Next Generation



    In an era where STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields are proliferating, young minds need tools that are accessible, yet powerful enough to provide practical understanding. OpenRocket, an open-source model rocket simulation software, is one such tool that holds promise for the next generation of scientists, engineers, and hobbyists. OpenRocket was originally developed in…

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